A fan blog dedicated to SS501 4D Leader and Hallyu Star, Kim Hyun Joong. Get access to features, updates, photos, polls, interviews, dramas and music related to the one and only KHJ!
"My name is Hyun Joong Kim: I rule the universe...Born from the stars; will be a star, and go as a star. But if YOU and I, if we don't forget each other...Then I'm a star, YOUR star...Forever...In your heart ♥♥♥"
“This album is not mine, but belongs to everyone. I’m very thankful to everyone that showed up here, and I want to tell everyone with my heart that I love you” ~ KHJ , June 7, 2011
Welcome ! Henecians and KHJ fans around the world are WELCOME HERE:) 1. Just enjoy browsing through our blog:) 2. Any data uploaded and written in this blog is not all mine (photos,informations,updats,etc) so proper credit will be given to the rightful owner. 3. If you are going to repost any information from our blog please GIVE PROPER CREDITS. (Full address of the blog, source, owner, etc.) 4. We hope to have your honest opinion of our blog but please no bashing. 5. No hot linking of photos please.
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Your messages mean a lot to me! Thank you for the continuous support & keep spreading the KHJ love!^^
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