Friday, June 8, 2012

Finally back to blogging again :)

Wow, I've completely been on a very long period of hiatus again...I miss blogging so much :(  But I hope to be able to get back to it some time...

Work's been crazy, but I do manage to still have a doze of KHJ everyday through Facebook and sometimes twitter...How I wish FB has a share button to blogger...

Anyway, a lot has happened...the best thing was our trip to Hong Kong for Kim Hyun Joong's fan meet...I have a fan account which I still haven't finished but I hope to be able to share it to the world one was an amazing experience that I'll remember for the rest of my life...and I hope to have more fangirl adventures like that... :) 

I hope to be more consistent with this blog from now on...LOL...I'm warning you though that I'm bad at keeping promises so I won't do that...I guess I'll just try my best :)

Leaving you with a full video of KHJ's Fanmeeting tour in Guangzhou...I'm still waiting for the one with subs...if you've seen one, will really appreciate if you share the link with me :) Kamsahamnida in advance! :)

Credit: MrSosomok @ youtube



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