Credit: aprilstarr @
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Fanart by Lina Perez |
It is quite commonplace to wish someone good luck before an undertaking. As if it is the mantra to add to, ensure one’s success. Most of us think though unconsciously that saying good luck is akin to summoning all the positive forces in the universe to bestow all the positive reinforcements if everything else fails. We also have matching objects or charms to attract the good and ward off the evil. We eat the right food ,wear the right color ,say the right words ,etc. We want to control the uncontrollable.
But then some people are said to be lucky. They win in the lottery or other chance games , they are good in timing and being in the right place when something good happens .They did not do anything,no skill,no effort.They just happened to be there when all the windfall occured . Know someone who is that lucky? Wish we have that lucky streak ,don’t we ?
In real life,we make decisions big and small . Some decisions are huge . Like recognizing turning points in our careers, getting married , starting a family, migrating or not . These are our life’s critical events. One positive thing is already going for you if at the very least you recognized that they will determine your future directions.We want to have our lucky breaks.
Perhaps it is too harsh to say Kim Hyun Joong recognized the red flag in his life. Rather apt to call his decision to go solo was because he came upon his cross road. Was he going to drive straight ahead ,go left or go right?Decision making here matter of luck? Just being a lucky guy?
Dropping the traffic analogy singing solo is now water under the bridge. It was fait accompli. He has made it -it cannot be reversed. Was it a matter of luck that he was amazing? That as solo artist he sold 100,000 music album on its first week and received 4 awards for it plus topping international music charts ,sold out all the seats for his Japan Concert on the day tickets were offered to the public and more asking for tickets, also matter of luck? Is luck something outside of us?
Tom Sedovic doens’t think so. He of the Sedovic Group in Wells Fargo consider luck as homemade (my version). People who are lucky he says make their own luck by “avoiding costly mistakes genuinely undertand their risk tolerance ,yet take only as much risk to reach their goal.” Though he is advising for financial investment it fits Hyun joong.Did he not also invest on himself as well as KE?
Another interesting insight I chanced upon because I was fervently looking for it my online library (no sir, it did not descend on me )is that luck is not really coming into its own without our effort, rather we attract it. But not in that simple wishful thinking mode.
It is what we want to happen and how we make it happen.
We have to do the works, Kim hyun Joong way. He has the determination, the will power,has the can do and can win attitude, the strategies,the work ethic and values, persevering efforts,skills and execution, the humility to know and acknowledge he still can be a better performer for his fans.We know what he does to deliver. And boy, does he deliver!
According to Roy Fosner ,this is the higher luck-it is consciously created, it is the mastering of our life, the harnessing of the right conditions to be what we can possibly be and to be able to do what we are capable of doing.It is our choice. And we exercised that option.
If Kim Hyun joong is indeed a lucky guy ,it is only because he knew what he wants amd knew what to do. And he did not lose himself in the frenzy of it all, and gave thanks to his supporters and those who believed in him.
In the next days to come, Kim Hyun Joong will be making available publicly his second music album titled Lucky .
Awwww , the guy is just humble . We all know he did not only worked hard for it but he will also do well. #
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