11th message from Kim Hyun Joong on KEYEAST site
Recently I haven’t even written my excuse of being so busy here…because I’ve forgotten my I.D and my password, so I couldn’t write a message... Anyway this is just an excuse, therefore I’m giving all of you photos of what I’ve been up to recently as a present.
Art and Matic are sitting now begging for food
Myself during recording, taken by my manager who are worn out from standing and are going off to bed keke
Finally, the master CD of my second album has reached my hands
Because it can’t be released…………^^ I must keep it quickly into the safebox hehe
For your information, my limited edition album and the first album’s master CD are inside the safebox. People with ulterior motives please don’t hover about outside my house
Finally my second album is done ^^ On 20 October I’ll try my best to make it the best stage. Don’t give ten of thousands of anticipation but please give it a hundred thousand of anticipation. Everyone please do it within your comfy zone of support, okay?????????
Tomorrow I’ll be filming the music video. I hope you’ll anticipate this amazing video ^^ I’m thankful and because tomorrow I will be filming from midnight onwards, meanwhile I’ll watch a movie and try to get some sleep.
So, please be mindful of not catching a cold and everyone, until the 20th, please recharge yourself, because there will be 3 weeks of promotional activities … ^^;;;
Because we must have fun fully for a short time………… thank you all for always giving me so much intangible power during my hard times ^^
요즘 너무 바쁘다는핑계로 글도안쓰고 해서……..아이디를까먹고 비번도 까먹어서
글을못썻어요 ………..어차피 핑계겠지만 그리하여
근황사진세장을 선물로 드릴까 합니다
아트와매틱이가 밥을달라고 앉아있네요
녹음하다가 지쳐서 서서 잠드는걸매니져분이 찍었네요 ㅋ
마지막으로 짜잔 2집 마스터 첫씨디가 드디어 내손아귀에 들어왔네요
유출되면 안되니까…………..^^빨리 금고에 넣어둬야지 ㅎㅎ
참고로 금고에는 내한정판씨디와 첫번째 마스터앨범 밖에 없으니 사심있는분들 집밖에 서성이지마십시오
드디어2집앨범마무리가되었네요 ^^10월20일에 최고의무대를만들어보겠어요
기대 만빵말고 십만빵해주세요 다들 컴피3잔의여유가있다면 알죠???????????
라면한봉지의여유가있다면 알죠????????????
내일은 뮤비를찍어요 멋진뮤비도 많이기대해주시길바랍니다 ^^감사하고 낼새벽부터 찍기땜에
영화를 한편보면서 스르륵 잠을청하도록 하겠습니다
그럼 감기조심하시고 모두들20일까지는 충전가득해주세요 활동이3주라서 …^^;;;
짧고 굵게 놀아야할테니까 ………..항상힘들때기댈수있는 무형의힘을주어서 고마워요^^